
Charlotte & George - King of My Heart

  July 2023 Fandom: Queen Charlotte (A Bridgerton Story) Program: Vegas Pro 20 Coloring: SunnyTutorials Nutmeg (w/some edits) Description: I fell in love with these two along with the rest of the world. This may be my favorite Bridgerton-related season? And Corey Mylchreest?? What a charmer. There are a lot of wonderful videos out there that focus on the drama and tragedy of his madness. This a powerful exploration of the weight of mental illness and the stigma, horror, fear, and sadness it carries. But I wanted to make a video that really focused on his charisma and presence as a king in spite of it. Screw the madness, underneath it all he is "just George." And by "just George" I mean a profoundly alluring man. This is not one that I have much to say about the editing process - nothing new, nothing fancy, just really enjoyed having an excuse to rewatch the sex scenes over and over as I edited them together. And then I felt guilty about it how much I was sexualizin

Frank Delfino - The Cave

  May 2023 Fandom: How to Get Away with Murder Song: The Cave by Mumford & Sons Program: VegasPro 20 Coloring: SunnyVids Red Dawn (w/some adjustments) Description: Ummmmm Idk if there is something wrong with me that there's a fictional character that is a literal serial killer, and I love him because he's hot (sorry not sorry?) Seriously though, Frank is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. Goated. Serial killer be damned, this is my fictional husband. I chose this song because of the phrase, "on the noose around your neck." There are so many ways this is relevant to the character of Frank, who has literally strangled people to death. He puts his own metaphorical noose around his neck through his self-destruction, and he constantly has Sam's grip around his neck (literally and figuratively), as this controlling force of his life. Wait... this is only my SECOND video on this computer??? I bought this fancy-ass computer for the literal purpose o

13 Reasons Why - Stupid Boy

  December 2022 Fandom: 13 Reasons Why S1 Song: Stupid Boy by Keith Urban Program: VegasPro 18 + 20 Coloring: SunnyTutorials Miss Americana (w/ some alterations) Description: Fandom: 13 Reasons Why (S1) Song: Stupid Boy by Keith Urban CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, self-harm, sexual assault I did NOT include the suicide scene itself that Netflix cut. The first season of 13 Reasons Why has always held immense power for me. Now 5+ years after its release, it's more meaningful than ever. I work directly with teenagers and mental health every day. As controversial as the show is, there is a lot it got right about the impact of harm we can have on one another. Let's take care of each other. Read more of my thoughts on this show here: I AM SO EXCITED!!! I got a new editing laptop, that now has VegasPro 20 and NewBlue FX. Best Christmas present I could ask for (and I did straight up ask for it). This video,

Adele/Emma (Blue is the Warmest Color) - Exile

October 2022 Fandom: Blue is the Warmest Color Song: Exile by Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver Program: VegasPro 18 Coloring: I used SunnyTutorials Winter as a backdrop, and then created the mask to isolate the blue by myself.   Description:  I've had this idea in my head for at least a year now where I would make this exact video using black, white, and the isolated color blue. Blue is such a strong motif in this film (it's in the title!), and is so regularly used throughout scenes, that I was intrigued how it would look visually to focus on. Especially because, as is made ironic by the title of the film, blue can be such a deeply depressing color. This is a sad video for a sad film, with a sad song. And yet there is incredible warmth to knowing the positive lessons learned by the characters and through watching the film.   As I stated in my last video, which was also created for this film, I wrote my thoughts on the film here:

Adele - Blue is the Warmest Color - Paper Thin

  August, 2022 Fandom: Blue is the Warmest Color Song: Paper Thin by Astrid S Program: VegasPro18 Coloring: Winter by SunnyVids   Description: "I have infinite tenderness for you"  Yes, tenderness is the word I would use to describe Adele in a nutshell, and it is Emma's (French-translated-into-English) word of choice as well. Adele is one of the most beautiful characters I have ever seen in media. She conveys such a vulnerable and painful lust it's almost hard to breathe when you watch her on screen. And I'm saying that as a heterosexual woman.    I wrote more about my thoughts on this very special film here:    I am on a roll!!!!..... Or was. I expect this to be my last video before I start a new full-time job and once again sacrifice the majority of my waking hours. I am proud of the fact that in the time between graduation from grad school and the start of my new life as a master&

Bella & Edward - Promise

  July, 2022 Fandom: Twilight Song: Promise by Ben Howard   Program: VegasPro 18 Coloring: Snow Storm by The Happiness Project   Description: Ok but Twilight is unironically goated don't @ me.    I sort of take their story chronologically across one of the most romantic songs of all time for me (if you can't tell I'm not a big eclipse fan so that doesn't get much screen time lol)    But jokes aside, I still get a thrill from these films. I think, the first two films especially, are absolute romantic classics and, shot for shot, pieces of art.     I address my thoughts thoroughly on the Twilight Saga and why I am unashamed to be a Twilight fan here: I believe I first started this video back in December during my Winter Break. From what I recall, I literally just imported files and stuck the music in. I think that was around the time my computer fan broke and I couldn't finish it. So when I reo

Kate & Anthony (Bridgerton s2) - There's No Way

  July, 2022 Fandom: Bridgerton S2  Song: There's No Way by Lauv feat. Julia Michaels Program: VegasPro 18 Coloring: Citrus by SunnyVids Description: As planned, here is my second Bridgerton video! Currently making my way through the second book. How am I going to be satisfied until the next season?    Everyone knows this season is about tension and exclusively tension. This song does that concept no better justice.   Terrible news - I have COVID and my vacation plans were abandoned. I am triple vaccinated and, yet, the virus got me good. I am on day 4.5 and am still very symptomatic and upset about it.    Really all I should be doing is lying in bed and watching TV, but yesterday I really tried to summon the energy to vid. At first I tried doing it in bed, but that was a disaster. Once I had the energy to sit in a desk this video came flying. Whole thing was done in less than two, mucous-filled days.   It came fast because I had the video playing on repeat in my head for the pa