Adele/Emma (Blue is the Warmest Color) - Exile

October 2022
Fandom: Blue is the Warmest Color
Song: Exile by Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver

Program: VegasPro 18
Coloring: I used SunnyTutorials Winter as a backdrop, and then created the mask to isolate the blue by myself.
I've had this idea in my head for at least a year now where I would make this exact video using black, white, and the isolated color blue. Blue is such a strong motif in this film (it's in the title!), and is so regularly used throughout scenes, that I was intrigued how it would look visually to focus on. Especially because, as is made ironic by the title of the film, blue can be such a deeply depressing color. This is a sad video for a sad film, with a sad song. And yet there is incredible warmth to knowing the positive lessons learned by the characters and through watching the film.  

As I stated in my last video, which was also created for this film, I wrote my thoughts on the film here:
I own neither the film nor the song. I just enjoy creatively smashing the two together. 
As predicted, it was a while between starting my new job and finishing another video! And yet, I don't think it was all that long? I have been at my new full time job for about 2 months and had to adjust to being insanely busy both all day during work, and outside of work with my newly established yoga and exercise routines. Not to mention keeping myself fed and clean and finding time to socialize. So, all things considered, the fact that it's only been 2 months is inspiring. I've gone far longer without uploading in the past.

The fact that I made two videos in a row about the same obscure film is honestly coincidence... I have my list of hundreds of video ideas that I randomize, and out of all of them, my ONE other video idea about this film came up. And the scenes were fresh in my mind, so it felt like good timing to get it out there.

So, let's talk editing. I am PROUD of this film for trying multiple editing features I haven't used in the past. For one, I had it set in my mind that this video would be black, white, and blue. The idea originated from probably over a year ago, when The Happiness Project discord chat was active (a discord for vidders), and black + white + one color was one of the challenge ideas. It never ended up being a challenge, but if it had, I had this idea ready to go. And I still wanted to make it. The process is more complicated than I was anticipating and mostly I was following instructions from this video: 
There's also another fun editing element to this - composite mode! I've used composite mode before, but I use it very seldom and I'm not even sure if I have ever used it to layer video clips on top of each other in Vegas before. Towards the end of the song, the vocals become increasing layered as Taylor Swift and Bon Iver switch back and forth between their two parts being sang at the same time. To match the complexity of the music, I followed the rhythm of the two voices to layer clips on top of one another before each vocalist had finished its part. I think it turned out decent.
With these two complex effects already in place, I didn't need any other effects. I didn't use any other overlays or transitions. As a French-speaking film, I didn't use any dialogue either. I let the coloring guide the way and the scenes speak for themselves.


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