Bella & Edward - Promise
July, 2022
Fandom: Twilight
Song: Promise by Ben Howard
Program: VegasPro 18
Coloring: Snow Storm by The Happiness Project
Ok but Twilight is unironically goated don't @ me.
I sort of take their story chronologically across one of the most
romantic songs of all time for me (if you can't tell I'm not a big
eclipse fan so that doesn't get much screen time lol)
But jokes aside, I still get a thrill from these films. I think, the
first two films especially, are absolute romantic classics and, shot for
shot, pieces of art.
I address my thoughts thoroughly on the Twilight Saga and why I am unashamed to be a Twilight fan here:
I believe I first started this video back in December during my Winter Break. From what I recall, I literally just imported files and stuck the music in. I think that was around the time my computer fan broke and I couldn't finish it.
So when I reopened the file about 7 months later, I was surprised that I actually had laid a lot of the groundwork already?? Yay past me! I have a process in which I tend to edit the audio first, shaping a storyline arc with the voiceovers before placing any video clips. I realized all of the voiceovers were already placed and edited for noise level, creating the foundation for which I could pace the rest of the editing as I take viewers chronologically through the story.
Aaaaaand knowing Twilight surprisingly well shot for shot, the process of editing the video clips took a total of one day... I actually love these films. The link above goes more into depth about why I am unashamed to be a Twilight fan. I then took another evening to add some overlays, coloring and other effects.
The choice for choosing the coloring is an interesting story. I used to be part of The Happiness Project video editing discord when it was still active, and we made some collabs. In the collab part I edited, I used some clips from Twilight. Because collabs have to have consistent coloring, we were required to use this particular coloring and I remember thinking, "Wow... Twilight looks REALLY good in this" and always wanted to use it in a full video. It's an icy blue coloring (hence the "snow storm" title) that does not dull or wash out bright reds. That's twilight's aesthetic in a nutshell.
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