13 Reasons Why - Stupid Boy


December 2022
Fandom: 13 Reasons Why S1
Song: Stupid Boy by Keith Urban

Program: VegasPro 18 + 20
Coloring: SunnyTutorials Miss Americana (w/ some alterations)

Fandom: 13 Reasons Why (S1) Song: Stupid Boy by Keith Urban CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, self-harm, sexual assault I did NOT include the suicide scene itself that Netflix cut. The first season of 13 Reasons Why has always held immense power for me. Now 5+ years after its release, it's more meaningful than ever. I work directly with teenagers and mental health every day. As controversial as the show is, there is a lot it got right about the impact of harm we can have on one another. Let's take care of each other.

I AM SO EXCITED!!! I got a new editing laptop, that now has VegasPro 20 and NewBlue FX. Best Christmas present I could ask for (and I did straight up ask for it).

This video, however, was still edited in its entirety on VegasPro 18. The only life it lived in Vegas 20 was to test out some colorings. The coloring I ended up choosing didn't get to show-off my new NewBlue FX, but I'm sure I will in future. I chose the "Miss Americana" coloring made by SunnyTutorials due to its use of red/blue, which are important colors in this show for past and present, and because of its thematic ties in the name to the systemic sexism in American high school culture.

There are no new editing tricks I played with in this video. However, it was an endeavor to create just because of how long and epic this song is. I decided against cutting the song down, because it was all important for the storytelling. This is a song about a man who harms a woman not by intentional malice, but just out of the ignorance that comes with living as a man in patriarchy. This video, similarly, is about the deadly harm of systemic misogyny that comes from both the men and women Hannah encounters - not limited to Clay, but also other girl "friends", other more explicitly harmful men like Bryce, and well-intentioned but equally harmful adults like Mr. Porter. There was so much story to tell that I tried to rely on the lyrics and the images to create a video "epic" to honor this show's greatness. No fancy editing techniques included.


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