Effy Stonem - Mad Woman

March, 2022
Fandom - Skins
Song - mad woman by Taylor Swift
Description: "No one likes a mad woman" okay but I love Effy Stonem she's one of my favorite characters of all time.
Program: VegasPro18
Coloring:"The Man" by SunnyTutorials w/some adjustments.

I haven't uploaded in over six months. I am well-aware. The last I uploaded was prior to this entire year of grad school. Months are flying by and now I'm only a quarter away from graduation. 

Grad school has been the most eventful, stressful, and rewarding time of my life. But it does mean that I come home each day exhausted with nothing left to give, and if I have free time at all, I'm going to spend it lounging. Not actively creating. Vidding naturally was the first thing to fall by the wayside.
Then I tried to edit over Christmas break and, guess what, MY COMPUTER FAN BROKE and I was without a computer the entire time. 

But I had a conversation with a classmate that kind of changed my life. It was all about finding spontaneity and joy in the now. We cannot wait until graduation to put "fun" into our schedule. Scheduling out time also kind of defeats the purpose. So, without any specific plans for when and what to do, I made a commitment to edit again. That weekend I started this video. 

....And then vidding fell by the wayside again because, what do you know, grad school sucks the life out of you. But I did find myself finding more time for spontaneity and joy. I actually legit spent time with myself FOR myself - coloring, doing yoga, listening actively to music. And so those little moments where I did edit, I felt that sense of joy instead of obligation.

This video still represents that spontaneity and joy. I wasn't trying to fulfill a quota, or a challenge, or complete a video by a particular date. It's just a character I love and wanted to have fun with and tap into emotionally. I just chose to make the video in a spur of the moment.

So by the time spring break hit, I found that I actually got further in this than I would have thought myself capable of. It just took a solid day in front of the computer to finish, which I do not normally get.
I'm so passionate about this character. And this show. And Taylor Swift. I've gotten reeeeally into Taylor Swift the past few years (like I wasn't already??). The coloring I chose is even named after a Taylor Swift song, and was chosen purposefully because it's dedicated to "The Man," a complement to this song. I just got to have pure artistic joy creating it. 


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