Multi Emma Watson - The Fear

May, 2018
Multifandom (Full Emma Watson filmography 2001-2018 - films listed at the end)
Song: The Fear by Lily Allen

Favorite actress ever. I've had a lot of female icons I've looked up to over the years. I had a huge Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana phase. Also Vanessa Hudgens/Gabriella Montez during the HSM years. However, Emma is the one that has stuck with me for 17 years now - a favorite since I was 5. Hermione Granger is my favorite female character in existence. My go-to rule is to never vid a fandom unless it's completely finished (which kills a channel btw) because then it never becomes outdated. Problem is, EW has been on an acting break for years, and will not have new movies for years to come so I think it's completely justified to make multi-EW vids as a set for this completed phase of her career. Maybe I'll make more of these. I had a mouth surgery yesterday and I just concocted this while sitting on the couch recovering. Felt very inspired.

I had a ridiculous amount of fun making this vid, and it makes me want to make more Emma Watson vids. I can think of so many relevant songs.
The thing is, I broke just about every single one of my vidding rules for this.

One, which I've talked about before, is to not vid a fandom unless it's completed. Emma Watson could always come out with more films (though that's not happening for the foreseeable future), and then these videos will become outdated. It already happened with this video with the addition of Little Women. However, generally speaking she has been on an acting break for years. Consider this a completed set of one phase of her career (minus Little Women).

Two, only work on one vid at a time. Don't start one unless you've completed your last, otherwise you'll end up with a bunch of half-finished videos. I was working on my Spider-man video when I started making this (A spider-man video which I will make a later post about because OH MY GOSH I spent forever on it).

And lastly three, vids are chosen at random. I have a playlist of hundreds of songs to vid to, I press shuffle, pull one up, and I'm like "yup, that's my next vid!" I've been doing this for yeeeears, since I tried it experimentally for my Freddie/Effy "The Only Exception" video, and that one did very well. I wrote it about it there, but my logic is that I have a head bursting with so many ideas that it's not fair that some vids get made and some never will. Some have been in my head since I was 14, others I just came up with. Keeping it random keeps it fair not only in picking which vids get made, but knowing what level of skill gets applied. I get better every time I vid. Vids that came up on shuffle years ago turn out worse than vids I make now. If I make them in the order I came up with them, that mostly means all the Chuck vids come first, and that means all of the Chuck vids get made with a lesser skillset? Nah, I keep it random. It also helps me keep ideas fresh, because if I get a song/fandom I haven't thought about in a while, I have to revisit it with fresh eyes! However, there have been a few times where I vidded something based on impulse (How to Get Away with Murder, and my Skins "You Found Me" vid) because I couldn't stop myself. I wanted to vid it so bad. This was one of those times. I just had mouth surgery and so I've been sitting at home with nothing better to do, and I spent all day vidding without stopping.

It was such a joyous experience that I kind of want to throw all of my rules out the window. Vid what I want to vid when I want to vid it. Vid something and don't finish it? Whatever, maybe I'll come back to it later. I want to get that natural, creatively impulsive flow back - the one I've kept myself out of for years. I think this will make me a lot faster at coming out with new vids because it'll be less of a chore.

The problem is, it'll probably make me more of a hermit than I already am. When I was passionately vidding, I barely got up to eat. At the time I had recently become unemployed which allowed for unrelentless freedom. This could be very dangerous for me, but I had fun.

This was so much lyric-play. No editing effects. Just finding scenes from across a wide variety of films that could fit a particular lyric. But there also was a central theme - insecurity vs. confidence. I see it in so many of her characters. I know all of her films and her scenes so well, this all felt entirely instinctual.


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