Cinderella & Belle - Better Days

April, 2020
Fandom: Cinderella (2015) & Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Song: Better Days by The Goo Goo Dolls

I'll admit I made this whole video so I could edit together those two dance sequences. But everyone could use an optimistic song about a better future these days :)
It looks like I haven't uploaded a video in OVER A YEAR which is not entirely true because I did make one a few weeks ago but it was blocked so hopefully the copyright rules around it will change in time. Before that, I was making travel vlogs for myself and dealing with a new full time job and applying to grad school. But now that it's eyy quarantine, I can get some of these out the door. I'll never quit!

The year long hiatus from my YouTube channel is not entirely accurate. I had spent a good amount of time on a video prior to this that got blocked until recently. But it is true, it had been a while, and I missed it. Combination of life things like a new full-time job, grad school applications and then interviews, and travel, pushed this very important hobby into the backburner along with many other fun things in life.


Working from home is so strange, as it should theoretically save so much time (from the commute alone!) but it still feels like I never have enough time. The time is there, as I've come to see, and I just need to use it.

So I've been making videos again! - still slowly as I do still work full-time and have a life of other things going on - but to make at least the smallest of dent in my ideas list that is hundreds of videos long is something!

This is a very positive, uplifting video, that I've been itching to make for some time and felt all the more appropriate in the current circumstances. I think it's so pure of heart. The real reason I made it, however, was to edit together those two dance sequences and draw a side-by-side comparison of the choreography, which is something I've wanted to do long before I had picked a song.

It also just reaffirmed my love for Disney live-action films, though controversial, as they bring such a three-dimensionality to these characters (and particularly female characters!), when we actually get to see them in full human form. There are many parallels to draw between these two characters, as they both leave their life of normality behind into one of extravagance. I considered including Aladdin, but ultimately dropped it because the gender roles are reversed in that the Princess starts as a princess, and Aladdin is the one who is seeking better days. I really wanted to focus on the journey of these two women from ordinary to extraordinary.

Anyways, I'm quite proud, especially never having vidded Cinderella before, and I know this is one that my family and friends enjoyed as well! This experience gave me the confidence to look back at some of my older videos that I had painfully avoided due to cringing at all the mistakes. Videos I haven't touched in forever, I recently looked back on and realized they were better than I remembered, and to always stay proud of the process rather than fixating on an end product! I don't want to lose sight of how fun it is to make these.


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