Cassie/Sid - Poison & Wine

February, 2017
Fandom: Skins
Characters: Sid Jenkins and Cassie Ainsworth
Song: Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars

Happy Valentine's Day!! I didn't actually plan on uploading this on Valentine's day - it was just a coincidence, but hey! Also thanks for 3,000+ subscribers! And 5,000,000 views I suppose, those I suppose 99% of those are robot subscribers or viewers from kissing compilation videos so they don't really count :P. I'm fairly certain no one is actually here but if there is a real human being reading this, hello! Sid and Cassie are the ORIGINAL Skins ship and a large part of why I got into the show so I really wanted to pay them tribute. Also I got a new editing program so this was like trying out a new toy.

Cassie and Sid are some of the first Skins characters I ever fell in love with. Their push/pull is indescribable.

This is the first video I ever made with PowerDirector 15 which, personally, I find miles ahead of 14. It's still the editing program I have now. It really goes to show how much difference a solid program can make. I made this video incredibly quickly even though there was a lot of complexity to it. And I got to layer some images which was a new feature! To date, this is one of the videos I am ABSOLUTELY most proud of and I wish it had more attention. I'm so happy with the coloring - the timing, the layering, the transitions... ugh. I love this video.

I remember making this REALLY had me wanting to go back and perhaps redo old videos with an updated skillset. But that is a really slippery slope that I'm not ready to go down - only with a very small, selected few. My mind may change if I ever get Vegas and realize just how much these need to be redone.


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