Skins [faceless] - I Love You, Sleepyhead

August, 2020

Fandom: Skins

Song: I Love You, Sleepyhead by Lanterns on the Lake


Fun fact - there are no faces in this video! Well, none in clear view anyways. This was completed for the first vidding challenge from The Happiness Project, #thehappinesseditingproject

If I was locked in a dark room and had nothing to do but edit Skins for the rest of my life, I think I'd get by alright. I'm still convinced that this is the most cinematically gorgeous show ever created - most certainly due to its wide, outdoor shots in natural light. I traveled to Bristol to locate all of the filming spots. Everyone needs to watch this show in all its glory. This video, truly, is a collection of my favorite shots. It's a video I had already planned on making, though many of my favorite shots in the show are already faceless which made it fit for the challenge. The only issue I had in editing this is narrowing down all of the shots, not finding them.

This song is a favorite of mine from the show as well - it's the song used in 6x05 when Mini sees her baby for the first time. I also used some of my favorite, conceptual quotes. (I used to run a blog about Skins quotes, oh my gosh how embarrassing...)

Program: Vegas Pro 18
Coloring: Mine

This is the first video I have ever made entirely with Vegas!! It's also my first time building my own coloring in Vegas, which was a bit overwhelming until I learned that there's a lot of presets there for the taking that can be tampered with and customized. I tried using tutorials and looking at other people's colorings but nothing really struck me as... me. The fact that I made something my own and was satisfied with it means a lot more.

Now that I'm getting into the rhythm of using Vegas, I'm finding it to be a faster editing process. Or maybe I'm just more enthused about it and spend more time editing. I was nervous about getting this done by the end of the month, but I had over a week to spare. Prior, trying to get a video in two months may have been a big ask. So am I just neglecting my other life responsibilities more or is this actually a faster means to edit? Hmm, the real questions.

I'm having fun learning how to animate the various effects too - animating blurs, adding solid white overlays and blending them out, adding text to transcribe my quotes... It feels like a much more dynamic process and I'm having lots of fun with it!


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