New Girl - Ironic

July, 2020
Fandom: New Girl
Song: Ironic by Alanis Morisette

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just can't take
And who would've thought, it figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
And life has a funny way of helping you out

These lyrics are the epitome of the New Girl ratchet, poor, yet lovable aesthetic.
Laughing at all the other vidders who appear to be also vidding as coping during the quarantine.

This process was a bit of a letdown... almost an entire year since I had posted anything to my YouTube channel, finally I was ready to release something into the world, and yet it was blocked worldwide! I could have potentially uploaded it to another website, but that is far too much effort as I don't have any sort of backup accounts ready to go, and it assumes I have an audience to follow, which I do not. Maybe I should have checked that the song was okay to use before using it, but these things come and go. Copyright on YouTube is so strange. It's like songs fall in and out of the contracts record companies make or something. Right now, there are a couple of my videos that have been on YouTube for years mysteriously blocked and I can just cross my fingers that they'll become unblocked again.

It was a bummer at the time because it's a video I am very proud of making, especially not having made a video in a long time after some major life changes! So now I am SO happy that I can share it!

Vidding a TV show for the first time is always quite overwhelming, especially ones that have gone on for several seasons, because there's so much content to choose from and, to be honest, the vast majority of it I don't remember. So a lot of my editing process was picking episodes at random, scrolling through to see if there were any funny scenes, and trying to grab a random shot and see if it fits anywhere. I especially had to do this with the later seasons, as the majority of my favorite scenes are heavily skewed towards seasons 1 and 2. I honestly would watch through several season 4 and season 5 episodes just to see if there was something, anything, to balance out the video.

Mostly, I was guided by lyrics. I chose the song for its embodiment of the tone of the show - life kinda sucks but that sucking is what makes it great. Certain lines in the chorus, "It's like rain on your wedding day," or perhaps even more clearly, "It's the good advice that you just can't take" put such clear memories in my head of certain moments of the show, and I just centered the whole video around those lines. Minimal to no effects, very light coloring, just about matching humorous scenes together. Very pleased with the results as I think it turned out quite funny.


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