Jump Street - Swagger Like Us

February, 2017
Fandom: 21/22 Jump Street
Song: Paper Planes by MIA

My first time doing festivids! This was intended for lilly_the_kid, however, she is not a voiceover fan so I made TWO videos, one more for me, and one for her, showcasing her same fandom request. This is the voiceover-heavy video.

Festivids... wow. I don't know if this is still a thing anymore in the small but possibly still thriving Dreamwidth community. But for old-school vidders, this was a "Secret Santa-esque" event in which you indicated which fandoms you were willing to vid, and which fandoms you wanted to have vidded for you, and you're assigned as a gift giver and recipient. I only got to do it once before the community kind of died, but it was SUPER fun the year I did it.

The video was first uploaded probably in Dec/Jan, unsigned, to an anonymous account. It wasn't until all of the Secret Santas were revealed that I re-uploaded to my actual YouTube channel, which is why I didn't have new videos until February.

I indicated five fandoms. Funnily enough, four of them were ones for which I had very clear videos prepared - a set idea. I just needed one more fandom to qualify so I added the Jump Street movies because I know and love them. Of course, those are the ones I got assigned and there was this moment of, "Uh oh, I have no idea what I'm doing!" So I spent a lot of time just shuffling through my music trying to get inspired. This is the first(??) videos I have ever made without some kind of a priori plan or idea hahaha.

It was definitely a new kind of challenge. Everything else was free reign - basically you could vid to whatever song you want as long as it matched the fandom. The person I was assigned to, however, indicated she wasn't a huge fan of voiceover heavy videos. So I made two videos - one more for myself that was very voiceover heavy, another that was more to her wishes. This is the voiceover heavy one. I'm glad I did both. "Swagger Like Us" was the first one I came up with, and was committed to, and then I forced myself to come up with another idea (hence "Break the Rules", which I'll post about next). Both videos were made simultaneously. I just switched back and forth if I was ever stumped.

One thing is the dvd quality... not the best. I can't believe it took me as long as it did to figure out how to increase the quality on my dvd rips. And by that time, the software had expired.


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