Chuck - Team Bartowski - 4 Minutes!

November, 2015
Fandom: Chuck
Song: 4 Minutes by Madonna

**Disclaimer** is the video jumpy to anyone? If it doesn't look smooth I'm sorry that wasn't me. Stupid computers.
OKAY IS THIS SONG AVAILABLE NOW YAAASS the ultimately team bartowski song in my heart
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED I had to wait until it was perfectly legal to use this song. Crazed Chuck fan over here, nothing more dangerous.


Still one of the videos I am most proud of!!!!! It took a while to get this up on youtube because of copyright - it's another one of those cases where I edited months before I got to share it. I was HEARTBROKEN because I was so happy when I made it, and then I couldn't release it to the world.

And then what was also weird was that when I colored the video, it got all "jumpy" which I tried to apologize for in the description. I have the non-jumpy version on my computer but the colors are so dull. The way vidders feel about coloring over the years matches that of other technological effects. As the years go on, vidding audiences demand more. Old fashioned videos had minimal effects and no coloring, and new vids are overly colored and edited. Today, you NEED coloring for videos to look good, to look professional. Usually my coloring is very light. I still hope I strike a happy medium between simplicity and effects. This one is very effect-light, just about matching the scenes to the rhythms.

I love this video.


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